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Quote from Francis in Sleepover

Francis: Finley, what are you doing in the cupboard?
Finley: Poquito cabeza.
Francis: Get out of there, man.
Finley: I can't. I've been marked by the brothers of the apocalypse. Poquito cabeza.
Francis: Brothers of the apocalypse? It's ridiculous. It's five seniors with limited imaginations.
Finley: Yeah. That's easy for you to say. You've got Stanley protecting you. And you're not holding poquito cabeza.
Francis: Would you stop saying poquito cabeza.
Finley: I can't. And I'm not coming out. Oh, could you turn in my math homework?
Francis: [closes cupboard door] These guys are so lame.
Stanley: Amateurs.
Francis: Poor Finley. [erases Finley's name] He's good at math, right?

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