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Quote from Craig in Malcolm vs. Reese

Hal: [on the phone] Oh, Craig! Hi! How's the convention?
Craig: Fantastic. I've picked up some great bargains. You would not believe some of the idiots that are here. Anyhow, I just called to see how Jellybean's doing.
Hal: Oh, fine. He's a frisky little guy, you know. Oh, get off the TV, Jellybean!
Craig: That reminds me could you hit the timer button on my VCR? I want to tape Arliss.
Hal: Uh... Sure, no problem.
Craig: Hey, Hal, um, I don't want you to think I'm weird, but... could you put Jellybean on the phone?
Hal: Uh, yeah, let me just... pick him up, yeah... There he is! Okay... Okay, I got his ear to the phone!
Craig: Hey, Jellybean! How's my widdle pussycat? Have you been a good boy while I've been away? I love you, honey. Give Daddy a kiss. [Hal makes kissing noises] Jellybean?
Hal: [quietly] Idiot.

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