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Quote from Malcolm in Bomb Shelter

Malcolm: Why wouldn't you have expected to like me?
Danielle: It wasn't a criticism of you. It's just that... Sometimes I can be really shallow about these things. Malcolm?
Malcolm: So what kind of guys do you like when you're shallow?
Danielle: No, it's nothing. It's just that I've made mistakes in the past going after guys just based on their looks.
Malcolm: So you almost didn't go out with me because I'm not good-looking enough?
Danielle: Would you let it go, okay? I like you. Now dip me.
Malcolm: Face or body?
Danielle: What?
Malcolm: Face or body, which don't you like? Or maybe you don't like any of it.
Danielle: It's all fine. It's good enough. Now dip me.
Malcolm: I can't believe you'd think like that.
Danielle: For God's sakes! [dips Malcolm]
Malcolm: You know, you're no prize.
[Danielle gasps and drops Malcolm]

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