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Quote from Hal in Hal Grieves

Car Salesman: There it is, every option we offer, including some I didn't even know about. Floor mats have undercoating. Comes with a 14-year warranty. We don't sell many of those. All it needs is your signature. [Hal stares off into the distance as he takes the pen] What?
Hal: My dad had the same pen.
Car Salesman: He must've been a great guy. This is a great pen.
Malcolm: We don't really need to get into that right now.
Hal: See, I just lost my dad.
Car Salesman: I'm sorry. Bet he would've loved to see his grandson driving that sports pack. [chuckles]
Hal: I don't know if he would have. He was pretty emotionally distant. He had a lot of trouble showing love.
Car Salesman: Yeah. Old-timers, eh?
Hal: But I didn't care. I didn't care if he had trouble. I loved him. He was my dad.
Car Salesman: You know, I see that you're in a lot of pain right now, and I'm going to need some grief counseling, too, if I let you take me up on this offer I'm giving you. [chuckles]
Hal: I remember coming downstairs in the morning, and he would be at the table and he would say, "Hey, buddy, I'm doing four things at once: I'm watching TV. I'm reading the newspaper. I'm drinking coffee, and I'm talking to you." [chuckles] Isn't that amazing?
Car Salesman: You know, I got a guy whose wife died who's looking at this car, so...
Hal: He didn't have to do anything for me. He was my dad.
Malcolm: Dad. You don't have to do anything for me, either. But if you want to... that'd be great.
[As Malcolm grabs Hal's hand and maneuvers the pen towards the contract, Lois grabs Hal's hand too]
Hal: [sobs] I lost my dad.
Lois: I know. [mouths to Malcolm] You're a dead man.

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