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Company Picnic: Part 2

‘Company Picnic: Part 2’

Season 3, Episode 12 - Aired February 3, 2002

The family's ordeal at Hal's company picnic continues. Malcolm is tied to a girl to whom he just confessed his unrequited attraction. Hal has been mistaken for the new company boss. Meanwhile, Lois plays therapist to a disturbed married couple (guest stars Susan Sarandon and Bradley Whitford).

Quote from Reese

Man: Okay, looks like you boys have all the items on the list here. Plus a wallet, a girl's bracelet and a fork.
George: Just give us the 100 bucks.
Man: There you go.
Reese: Thanks.
Man: Now, how about we separate you two?
George: I'll miss you!
[After Reese and George are untied, George punches Reese and takes the $100]
Reese: Nice.


Quote from Lois

Meg: Lois!
Lois: You don't have to thank me. Let me just enjoy the rest of the picnic with my family.
Meg: You told my husband that I'm insane? You told him that I should be committed?
Lois: I didn't say that!
Meg: Then how does letting him video-tape us in bed help our marriage?
Lois: What?! [Dewey runs off] I didn't tell-
Meg: Look, lady, you've gotta stop this! I don't have time for my own family's problems without listening to you two nutcases! So why don't you just- [Meg slaps Lois] Oh! I don't think you understood me. [slaps Meg] [they fight]

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