Future Ted Quote #27
Quote from Future Ted in Drumroll, Please
Future Ted: [v.o.] This wasn't how I thought the night would turn out. This was finally supposed to be my big moment with Robin. But then reality came along. Robin got called up last minute to anchor the 11 o'clock news. It was her big break. And I went to the wedding stag. Then, when I least expected it...
How I Met Your Mother Quotes
‘Drumroll, Please’ Quotes
Quote from Barney
Barney: Ted, oh my gosh, I love this moment. You know why? Because I'm gonna say it and this time you're actually gonna say yes. You ready? You ready to say yes? Ted, suit up!
Ted: Yes! No.
Barney: Oh, come on!
Quote from Barney
Tanya: Wow, the Peace Corps?
Barney: Yeah, I ship out tomorrow for two years. You know, some people say the Peace Corps is the most noble thing a person can do. To those people, I say, "Is it?" And usually they say, "Yes, it is."
Quote from Lily
Lily: So, that's what happened to the bouquet. You know, good for Victoria. It's such an evil tradition.
Ted: You're not gonna do it at your wedding?
Lily: Oh, yeah, I'm gonna take that flower grenade and chuck it into the crowd and scream, "Crawl for it, bitches!" It's just what girls do.