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Quote from Ted in The Burning Beekeeper

Robin: Look, I'm sorry. If I would've left things in your dainty, lily-white, never-ripped-an-old-lady's-wig-off hands, we would be kugel-free right now.
Ted: Oh, so, what, I'm too nice?
Robin: You never stand up for yourself. Remember that sixth grader who kept stealing your lunch?
Ted: High school was a tough time for me, okay? And that girl was muscular. Forearms like Popeye.
Ted: How do you even know about that?
Robin: Marshall told me. He also said that you had your mom stop making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches because of that girl's nut allergy.
Ted: I didn't want to add to her health problems. She was already in a wheelchair.

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