Wilson Quote #84

Quote from Wilson in Bye Bye Birdie

Wilson: Hi-ho, neighbor.
Tim: Hi, Wilson.
Wilson: My, my, my. That's an awfully big water pistol.
Tim: Trying to get rid of that woodpecker up there on the roof.
Wilson: Why don't you try an owl? The owl is the natural enemy of the woodpecker.
Tim: That's just what I need up there - an owl. Then it wouldn't be "tap-tap-tap," it'd be "tap-tap-tap, whoo-whoo-whoo, tap-tap-tap, whoo-whoo-whoo, tap-tap-tap, whoo-whoo-whoo."
Wilson: Well, it worked for Motown. Actually, you don't need a real owl. A wooden owl will do the trick.
Tim: I'll try it. I tried everything else.


 ‘Bye Bye Birdie’ Quotes

Quote from Wilson

Tim: I want Brad to be a good student.
Wilson: Mm-hm.
Tim: So I told him that multiplying compound fractions is a real important part of that. But, you know, between you and me, it's kinda useless information.
Wilson: Well, I don't know about that, Tim. There was a time when I thought my extensive research into ancient tribal cultures, obscure scientific data, the thoughts of great philosophers, would never come in handy. Then you moved in.

Quote from Randy

Randy: Guess I'd better get my books.
Jill: Not so fast. Why doesn't Brad wanna go to school?
Randy: Uh... 'Cause he and Jennifer broke up.
Jill: They did? Why? What happened?
Randy: I don't know.
Jill: Well, she must have dumped him, or he wouldn't be so depressed.
Randy: Yeah, that's it. You know how sensitive Brad is.
Jill: His little heart is broken.
Randy: And his little tongue is burned.

Quote from Jill

Brad: Well, why do I have to learn how to multiply compound fractions? I'm never gonna use them.
Tim: You use 'em every day.
Brad: When?
Jill: Well, like, when I go to the grocery store and I buy a pound and a half of cheese.
Brad: Yeah, but you're not multiplying anything.
Jill: Well, you didn't let me finish.
Tim: Why don't you finish that?
Jill: Well, I buy a pound and a half of cheese and then I multiply that by... a gallon and a half of milk.
Brad: But why would you do that?
Jill: Because... Because I'm... making cheese milk.
Jill: Now go get your math book. We are going to teach you how to multiply compound fractions.
Tim: Couldn't we just punish him? Send him in his room without his cheese milk? [Jill laughs]