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Mark's Big Break

‘Mark's Big Break’

Season 8, Episode 16 - Aired February 9, 1999

After Tim finally finishes the hot rod, he asks Mark to produce a video to unveil the car on Tool Time.

Quote from Wilson

Wilson: You know, Tim, Mark has his own vision and you have yours. Now, if you want to hire him for your show, you've got to communicate what you want in an articulate and a professional manner.
Tim: [grunts] I love articulating. Yeah.
Wilson: Maybe the two of you can work together. They say, sometimes, that two heads are better than one.
Tim: So, you did see the video?


Quote from Tim

Tim: It all comes back to Tool Time. It's called "The Lost Episode."
Mark: Never heard of it.
Tim: Hence the name "Lost Episode." Nobody's seen it. Not even Mom. When I got out of college, I was just fresh out of two film classes, right? I got my own show, and I wanted to show off. You know, my creativity was just burning through me, right? So, I did my first episode about building a table from the perspective of the saw.
Mark: Oh, man.
Tim: Yeah, that's what Binford said. That's what the crowd said. That's what the saw blade actually said. [imitates rotating blade]
Mark: The saw?
Tim: It talked. Binford didn't like it too much.
Mark: So, what did they do?
Tim: Well, they sat me down and we had a nice conversation about it. And they gave me some directions, not the dumb guidelines I gave you. And I'm thinking that if we brainstorm with some of the guys down at Tool Time, we could come up with a great episode for next week.
Mark: You're giving me a second chance?
Tim: You bet I am. Come on, this is about our hot rod. I'm not just letting anybody do this.

Quote from Marty

Marty: Okay, girls, gotta go to work. I'm late.
Claire: Where are you working today, Daddy?
Marty: Actually, today I'm working for a governmental contractor under the auspices of the Michigan Department of Highways.
Claire: Wow.
Marty: Yeah. [to Jill] I'm fixing potholes.

Quote from Jill

Jill: Okay. Claire, I have your class roster here. And your first name is Gary Adams. Now, the key is to write a really personal little message on them.
Claire: [stamps card] Next?
Jill: [chuckles] Well, that's a way to go. Okay. Gracie, your first name is Tommy Anderson.
Gracie: I'm gonna write a special one to him. He likes me.
Jill: That's because he thinks you're me. Well, that's not a nice thing to say, Gracie.
Claire: I'm Claire.
Jill: I knew that.

Quote from Tim

Tim: Hey, guys. Guess what's happening on Sunday?
Jill: Well, we know, but we're frankly surprised that you know.
Tim: I think I'd remember the day I get my custom shift knob for the hot rod.
Jill: Shifter-knob Sunday. And me without a ham.
Tim: Custom-made, you know? It's the last piece of the puzzle. Found it up in Lansing. Guy's gonna scoot it down here. It'll be here Sunday. Once I screw it on, the hot rod is complete.
Jill: Finished? Done? Over?
Tim: As in over with, finito, that's it.

Quote from Tim

Jill: Wow, girls, your Uncle Tim finally finished the hot rod.
Gracie: You're finishing your hot rod for Valentine's Day?
Tim: That's right, Claire.
Gracie: I'm Gracie.
Tim: I knew that.

Quote from Mark

Brad: Well, we're off to school.
Jill: You gonna be able to drive?
Brad: Yeah. I'll be fine. I just... I don't know how I'm gonna carry home all those valentines I'll be getting.
Mark: I'm sure you'll have plenty of cargo space in that swelled head.

Quote from Al

Heidi: And after 24 hours, you'll have the appearance of natural wood grain on your aluminum door.
Al: Now, that's what I call a simply fabulous faux finish.
Tim: And that's what I call simply spending too much time with your mother.

Quote from Tim

Tim: Well, Tim, Al and Heidi here. You might recognize us from over there.
Al: Poor air quality is an issue we all deal with. Many of us in urban areas are forced to breathe noxious fumes.
Tim: Heidi's the one that had the breakfast burrito.
Al: To protect ourselves from pollutants and particles in the air, we're proud to introduce the Binford 6100 sports respirator.
Tim: It's lightweight, and fashionable. Plus the mouthpiece comes in designer colors, a full array of them.
Al: Mine's kiwi.
Heidi: Breathe cleaner, healthier air.
All: Breathe Binford.

Quote from Tim

Mark: Tell us about the engine.
Man: Well, she's got 225 horsepower at 5500 RPM.And she's ported, polished and relieved. Full...
Tim: Full race cam and three Stromberg 97s. [grunts]
Mark: Dad, you're in my shot.
Man #2: The electrical on this '46 Ford is wired like a computer. It's all parallel, no crisscross. The connectors, heat-shrunk. Prevents corrosion.
Tim: [grunts] Yeah, no corrosion on those babies. No corrosion. [grunts]

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