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Quote from Randy in Losing My Religion

Randy: Elaine didn't want to see me anymore.
Tim: Why not?
Randy: Doctor said she took a turn for the worse.
Jill: Oh, Randy.
Randy: You know, it's amazing. It's just like yesterday she's sitting there laughing, telling me stories, hiding the whoopee cushion from Wilson.
Jill: I know it's not easy, but you knew something like this was gonna happen, right?
Randy: I thought I did. But I guess I convinced myself that my spending time with Elaine would make some kind of difference.
Tim: Hey, come on, buddy. You made a difference. Sure you did.
Jill: You brought a lot of happiness into her life.
Randy: Yeah, but she's still gonna die. You know, I mean, here I think I have all my beliefs figured out. It's sure not working for me now.

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