Kirk Quote #172

Quote from Kirk in Pulp Friction

Kirk: You know, Lulu's my first real girlfriend. I had an imaginary girlfriend for a while when I was young, but she left me.
Luke: Well, that happens.
Kirk: I wish Lulu and I could have what you and Lorelai have.
Luke: Oh, you can have that, Kirk. You will have that. In fact, why don't you leave, and go have it right now?
Kirk: You know, I live with my mother.
Luke: Apparently I'm officially in this conversation, don't know how it happened, but...
Kirk: My mother is allergic to Lulu. The minute Lulu comes in the room, my mother will cough and choke and turn red. Her throat closes up, everything gets puffy. Lulu's tried everything. She changed her soap, her perfume, shampoo, cream rinse, deodorant. She's actually kind of a mess right now. But nothing seems to work.
Luke: Kirk.
Kirk: Obviously I can't have Mother choking three times a week, so I considered constructing a separate entrance to my room, so that Lulu won't actually have to walk through the house, but that's going to cost about forty thousand dollars, 'cause I'd have to break through a bearing wall...


 ‘Pulp Friction’ Quotes

Quote from Lorelai

Luke: There's nothing in here but ice cream, candy bars, cookie dough, canned frosting. Why are you not four hundred and fifty pounds?
Lorelai: I know. Scientists call it the Lorelai Paradox.

Quote from Luke

Lorelai: Wow, did you see that?
Luke: You know, if someone opened a store in this town selling giant butterfly nets, they'd make a fortune.
Lorelai: Come on, the crazy need love too.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Okay, floor looks good, table looks good. Hey, what happened to our books?
Sookie: What do you mean?
Lorelai: All our beautiful, leather-bound books. Jonathon Swift, Edith Wharton, Charles Dickens. A lot of them are gone.
Sookie: The guests must have swiped 'em.
Lorelai: They swiped Jonathon Swift and left me with Clifford, the Big Red Dog and five copies of He's Just Not That Into You.
Sookie: We've been airplane booked.