Paris Quote #202

Quote from Paris in The Fundamental Things Apply

Paris: Setting your alarm for 5:30 in the morning when no one else here shares the desire to put on nylon shorts and run in circles for an hour like a greyhound is selfish.
Janet: I have a partial athletic scholarship, Paris.
Paris: The grunting and the sweating, and there are plastic balls everywhere.
Janet: One balance ball.
Paris: No one can sleep. No one can breathe. Rory missed breakfast the other day. You've seen Rory eat. She cannot miss breakfast.
Rory: Paris has a point there.
Janet: Excuse me, but if I remember correctly, Rory missed breakfast because you turned her alarm off.
Rory: Janet does have a point there.
Janet: And while we're airing grievances, what about your stupid craft area? Everywhere you turn, there's glitter or seashells or macaroni. And the smell of the glue.
Paris: Hey, I make things we can all enjoy. I am contributing. The coasters I make are for everyone. Those push-ups are for you and you alone.


 ‘The Fundamental Things Apply’ Quotes

Quote from Lane

Lane: My mom ordered all the okra in the Western Hemisphere. She got a great deal and I'm starving to death.
Rory: Swallow.
Lane: Between Seventh Day Adventist college and my mom's new fascination with ordering on the internet, my future looks very grim.
Rory: You want a Coke?
Lane: No, no time for liquids. I have to be home for dinner in four minutes. Another piece, please? Great. Okay, this is good. You all look good. Things are good?
Rory: Things are-
Lane: Okay, gotta go. Thanks for the grub. [runs out]
Lorelai: She is so throwing up on the way home.

Quote from Luke

Lorelai: Hey, Luke. What's going on?
Luke: Oh, well, Tom called. The banister on the stairs has to be replaced. It'll be $4,000. Tamsin Cordally called. He needs a deposit on the quartersawn oak. It'll be $4,000. Julio the landscaper called. I have no idea what he said, but it's going to be $4,000. Vicki from Vicki's Horse Supply called. She thinks Pepper and Gunsmoke would suit your needs, but Gunsmoke snores, so the stables can't be too close to the guests' bedrooms. Rory's looking for her black Converse, and, oh, one last thing... I'm not taking messages for you anymore!
Lorelai: Sorry.
Luke: What did you do, have business cards printed up?
Lorelai: People just know I'm here a lot.
Luke: I missed a call from my meat guy because I was on the phone discussing Gunsmoke's deviated septum.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: You've been stomping around, barking at people for days.
Luke: I have not.
Lorelai: Yes, Cujo, you have.
Luke: I always talk to people like that.
Lorelai: No, Benji, you don't.
Luke: I'll be fine tomorrow.
Lorelai: Really, Lassie? Why is that?