Rory Quote #252

Quote from Rory in The Bracebridge Dinner

Rory: This is one ugly-looking baby. Whose baby is this?
Lorelai: That's your second cousin Stan's poor kid.
Rory: He got Stan's everything.
Lorelai: That's not even the ugliest baby in the bunch.
Rory: You're kidding. Ouch.
Lorelai: That's the ugliest baby in the bunch.
Rory: I don't understand why people put pictures on cards?
Lorelai: Do they not understand we are unapologetic mockers?
Rory: There's an unexplained innocence in the world.


 ‘The Bracebridge Dinner’ Quotes

Quote from Paris

Lorelai: Paris, how's it going?
Paris: Fine. Good. Thanks for having me.
Lorelai: Oh, it was our pleasure.
Paris: Did you notice the anachronisms?
Lorelai: The what?
Paris: The period discrepancies. They were pretty blatant. I mean, forget that the 19th century didn't include recessed lighting or the Fossil watch your server was wearing, but water in that period would not have been served with cubed ice.
Lorelai: Right.
Paris: And your servers are wearing nylon blend shirts, and Nylon was invented by a scientist at DuPont in the 1920s. It shattered the illusion.
Lorelai: Oh. Floggings will be administered.

Quote from Richard

Richard: So there we are, it's a beautiful moonlit Prague night and we're strolling across the Charles Bridge when we come across this group of kids blasting this song by that awful woman. Who is she? The tall, bony one married to the deceased mustachioed Congressman.
Rory: Cher?
Emily: That's the one.
Lorelai: The year of "Do you believe in life after love?"
Rory: A difficult time for all of us.
Michel: I like that song.
Richard: Oh, I was appalled. Prague has played host to some of the greatest composers in history. Mozart named a symphony after it, for heaven's sake. So what did I do?
Emily: I've tried so hard to forget this.
Richard: I stood beside them and their boom box and I hummed Mozart's Prague Symphony as loud as I could. [humming]
Lorelai: Oh, the bizarro Battle of the Bands.
Taylor Doose: And did it work?
Richard: Well, they quickly packed up and went their way.
Emily: But then he kept on humming the Mozart. He wouldn't stop.
Richard: Well, at that point, I was hoping for some gullible tourists to drop money at my feet.
Emily: Two of them did.
Richard: And I kept it!

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: They're here.
Rory: Who?
Lorelai: The Joyless Luck Club.