Rory Quote #187

Quote from Rory in Sadie, Sadie

Rory: That man is impossible.
Lorelai: Twinkie?
Rory: He just attacks Dean out of nowhere and Dean is sitting there being perfectly nice, and then all of a sudden- God, I'm so mad. He's a snob.
Lorelai: Yes.
Rory: And he doesn't listen. He just wants to say horrible things and have you sit there and listen to him and then just agree with him. What is that all about?
Lorelai: Ah, that is about a hundred years' worth of inbreeding.
Rory: I've never seen him be mean before, ever. Not like that. I don't know how I'll ever talk to him again. And Dean, he must be so upset right now. I hate that he did this to him. I hate it.


 ‘Sadie, Sadie’ Quotes

Quote from Luke

Lorelai: Hey.
Luke: Fresh coffee will be ready in a minute unless you want to just roll up a dollar bill and go nuts.
Lorelai: No, thanks, I can wait.
Luke: What the helI's going on with them?
Lorelai: Oh, I don't know.
Luke: Crazy people. The whole town should be medicated and put in a rec room with Ping-Pong tables and hand puppets.

Quote from Lane

Rory: What's wrong? Did she find your CD burner?
Lane: My parents are sending me to Korea for the summer to visit my cousins.
Rory: So?
Lane: They're sending to Korea and they won't tell me when I'm coming back.
Rory: What do you mean they won't tell you?
Lane: I mean, they bought me a one-way ticket. One-way. The plane goes there and stops.
Rory: Are you sure?
Lane: I called the airline to confirm it and my parents were in their room whispering all morning. When my mother came out, she looked very happy. She was humming. I swear, they're planning on sending me to Korea for the rest of my life.
Rory: Lane, come on.
Lane: It's going to be just like that Sally Field movie when her husband took them to Iran and wouldn't let them come back. Except, I won't have to keep my head covered.

Quote from Michel

Lorelai: Hey, what's with the turkey?
Sookie: Oh, Michel thinks he's going to live forever.
Lorelai: Like on Fame?
Sookie: That's what I said.
Michel: A hundred years from now, I will sit around telling my fellow men of science about the two of you, and we will giggle like little girls at your ignorance. Now I have work to do.
Lorelai: He did say 'giggle like little girls,' right?
Sookie: Forget him.