Emily Quote #312

Quote from Emily in Scene in a Mall

Emily: That stupid mustache is crazy! That's what's crazy. Your father's job is crazy. That's what's crazy. He was supposed to be slowing down, and now he's club-hopping with Jason and hanging out with Moby and having secret lunches with women and lying about it.
Lorelai: Mom, calm down.
Emily: Why should I calm down? Are you on his side? Do you like that mustache?
Lorelai: I'm not taking sides.
Emily: I should go to bars! I should hang out with Moby! He'd hate that.
Lorelai: Mom, I'm just suggesting that you slow down on the shopping. This doesn't have to be a whole big thing.
Emily: Why do I need to slow down? This is what I do, according to Richard. And he's not slowing down. He's got a whole new life. He's got Pennilyn Lott, he's got Digger, he's got a mustache! He's got all that and what do I have? Maybe I should get a job so I can have my own life. I could sell shoes here just as well Eduardo. I should get an application. Get me an application! Go, go!
Lorelai: Mom.
Emily: I hate that mustache, and he refuses to shave it!


 ‘Scene in a Mall’ Quotes

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: [on the phone] What do you look like. Do you look the same?
Rory: Hold on. My nose ring is itching.
Lorelai: Don't kid. I'm mad and needy, and I ended up going out to dinner alone with my parents, who bickered the whole time about which Beatle is alive and which is dead.
Rory: So, where'd they land?
Lorelai: John and Keith are dead. Paul and Bingo are still kicking.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: [on the phone] I could have sworn I told you.
Lorelai: I just reread every e-mail you sent in the past ten days. No sickness mention, but you did share these gems: "Hey, what up? Is it freezing there, too? [chuckles] Ice." And, "Whew. Pooped." Then you added one of those obnoxious hieroglyphics that I can never read that are supposed to indicate you're laughing or smiling or frowning or vomiting. I don't know what.
Rory: That's a typo. I don't do cutesy symbols.
Lorelai: You're not even using verbs. That's not a relationship. Relationships need verbs.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Man, I love e-mail. Every day Rory and I write each other multiple times. It's great.
Luke: You enjoy typing to people more than talking to them?
Lorelai: Wrong perspective. E-mail is a return to the romantic days of letter writing. It's pure Dickens.
Luke: Why Dickens?
Lorelai: It's just when I picture letter writing, I picture Charles Dickens.
Luke: Charles Dickens wrote more letters than other people?
Lorelai: No, it's just I can easily picture him in his study with his dog and his pipe and his fancy feathered pen, writing "Cheerio, old bean. Have a cup of tea. How's Big Ben? How's the Tower of London? Sister Suffragette? Tuppence a bag."
Luke: Sounds like an idiot.