Richard Quote #40

Quote from Richard in Sadie, Sadie

Emily: Richard, don't you dare get on that phone. They'll be here any second.
Richard: I'm not getting on the phone. I'm going to give Rory that first edition of Mencken's Chrestomathy.


 ‘Sadie, Sadie’ Quotes

Quote from Luke

Lorelai: Hey.
Luke: Fresh coffee will be ready in a minute unless you want to just roll up a dollar bill and go nuts.
Lorelai: No, thanks, I can wait.
Luke: What the helI's going on with them?
Lorelai: Oh, I don't know.
Luke: Crazy people. The whole town should be medicated and put in a rec room with Ping-Pong tables and hand puppets.

Quote from Lane

Rory: What's wrong? Did she find your CD burner?
Lane: My parents are sending me to Korea for the summer to visit my cousins.
Rory: So?
Lane: They're sending to Korea and they won't tell me when I'm coming back.
Rory: What do you mean they won't tell you?
Lane: I mean, they bought me a one-way ticket. One-way. The plane goes there and stops.
Rory: Are you sure?
Lane: I called the airline to confirm it and my parents were in their room whispering all morning. When my mother came out, she looked very happy. She was humming. I swear, they're planning on sending me to Korea for the rest of my life.
Rory: Lane, come on.
Lane: It's going to be just like that Sally Field movie when her husband took them to Iran and wouldn't let them come back. Except, I won't have to keep my head covered.

Quote from Michel

Lorelai: Hey, what's with the turkey?
Sookie: Oh, Michel thinks he's going to live forever.
Lorelai: Like on Fame?
Sookie: That's what I said.
Michel: A hundred years from now, I will sit around telling my fellow men of science about the two of you, and we will giggle like little girls at your ignorance. Now I have work to do.
Lorelai: He did say 'giggle like little girls,' right?
Sookie: Forget him.