Rory Quote #781

Quote from Rory in Unto the Breach

Rory: I feel awful. I feel sick. I miss him already.
Lorelai: I know.
Rory: And it just sucks, you know, because I graduated today. This was supposed to be a happy day in my life, and now when I look back on it, I'm just gonna think about this horrible thing that happened.
Lorelai: I'm sorry. I think you made the right decision.
Rory: You do?
Lorelai: I do. Someday you'll meet someone, and you'll just know it's right. You won't want to hesitate. You'll just know.
Rory: I hope so.
Lorelai: I really do believe it.


 ‘Unto the Breach’ Quotes

Quote from Paris

Paris: Sold for $15 more than I paid 2 years ago see, the key to haggling is you put your hands around their throat and keep on squeezing.
Doyle: You've got skills, baby.
Paris: I know. Think of how useful I'll be when we're in India. Oh, remind me, we have to pack Advil. If I get a headache over there, I'm not about to get some Ayurvedic massage.
Doyle: Sure, just to clarify, you are gonna tame it down a little when we're in India, right? I mean we are tourists.
Paris: No way. My philosophy is "travel aggressively." Otherwise, you get taken advantage of.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: I know he asked me out of respect, but I'll tell you what's not respectful is asking for my permission and then making me wait. Every time the phone rings, I think it's gonna be her, telling me that it's happened, but it's not. It's just my mother calling with some boring party detail, like asking me about the ratio of devil to egg.
Sookie: Ooh, that's easy. It's one part yolk and two parts mayonnaise. Oh, God, you don't care at all, do you?
Lorelai: No.

Quote from Sookie

Sookie: Don't worry, 'cause I prefer footballs, basically.
Lorelai: Huh?
Sookie: It's a mnemonic device. Dress, wedges, champagne, ice, plastic flutes, beaded clutch. "Beaded clutch" is one word.
Lorelai: And panty hose.
Sookie: Don't worry, 'cause I prefer footballs, basically, Polly.
Lorelai: And tissues and my camera.
Sookie: "Don't worry, 'cause I prefer footballs, basically," Polly teased Chad.
Lorelai: Why would Polly tease Chad about preferring footballs?
Sookie: I don't know. Maybe Polly prefers soccer balls.
Lorelai: That doesn't make any sense.
Sookie: Well, then stop adding stuff to the list.