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Quote from Lorelai in That Damn Donna Reed

Rory: What?
Lorelai: Okay, well, you're 16, you have a whole house to yourself for the evening. I expect you're gonna have your boyfriend over. But what is with the apron?
Rory: It's a long story.
Lorelai: Did it involve a sharp blow to the head?
Rory: I gotta go check on Apricot.
Lorelai: [gasps] Oh, my God. I just saw the pearls.
Rory: I'm going in now.
Lorelai: Yeah, I'm going inside, too, because I have to write down how I'm gonna torture you about that outfit.
Rory: Good night.
Lorelai: Could I just get a picture though? Because visual aids would really help. Oh, oh, the shoes. I'm dying. [squeals]

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