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Quote from Lorelai in Paris Is Burning

Max Medina: Okay, correct me if I'm wrong.
Lorelai: Salt, please.
Max Medina: Twenty minutes ago, we were sitting at the dinner table, weren't we?
Lorelai: Yes, we were.
Max Medina: There were candles and flowers and plates and knives and cloth napkins.
Lorelai: I loved the little sombrero napkin holders. Very ole.
Max Medina: And the whole time we were at said dinner table you ate two, maybe three bites of this amazing dinner I made for you.
Lorelai: Pass the bread.
Max Medina: Yet, as soon as that dinner is over and I start cleaning up suddenly, that's when you're starving.
Lorelai: What can I say? Watching someone work makes me hungry. If I hadn't stopped watching This Old House, I'd be 500 pounds now.

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