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Quote from Kirk in Happy Birthday, Baby

Pete: We've solved the problem of transporting the big pizza thing.
Kirk: I was of little help since I'm currently in excruciating pain.
Pete: Instead of this whole one huge pizza concept, we're gonna do a hundred little pizzas all sitting next to each other.
Rory: What?
Joe: Like a pizza doily.
Rory: I don't want a pizza doily.
Pete: Okay, less a doily, more of a collage.
Rory: I don't want a pizza collage either.
Joe: Hey guys, I got another idea. How about we put the pizzas together, and then put pepperonis over the open spots. So it looks like one big pizza, tricky.
Rory: Okay, hold on.
Pete: Or we could put cheese over the holes.
Kirk: Please don't say the C-word.

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