Monica Quote #916
Quote from Monica in The Where Rachel Rachel Goes Back to Work
Monica: Okay, let's start with the A's. Advertising.
Chandler: Wait. Advertising, that's a great idea.
Monica: Well, don't you wanna look through the rest?
Chandler: I don't think I have to hear the rest. Advertising makes perfect sense. Sorry you had to waste all this time, though.
Monica: You call eight hours alone with my label maker wasted time? Ooh, now I'll get to use my shredder.
‘The Where Rachel Rachel Goes Back to Work’ Quotes
Quote from Chandler
Chandler: Look, I'll just get my old job back.
Monica: No, I want you to have a job that you love, not statistical analysis and data reconfiguration.
Chandler: I quit, and you learn what I do?
Quote from Monica
Monica: There's always gonna be a reason not to do this but I think once the baby comes, we'll forget about all those reasons.
Chandler: I guess. I mean, it's always gonna be scary when we have a baby.
Monica: It's gonna be really scary. I mean, God, when we have a baby there's gonna be so much that we're not able to control. I mean, the apartment's gonna be a mess. I won't have time to clean it. What if the baby gets into the ribbon drawer and messes up all the ribbons? What if there's no room for a ribbon drawer because the baby's stuff takes up all the space? Where will all the ribbons go?
Chandler: Should we go make a baby right now before you change your mind?
Monica: Yes, please.
Chandler: Okay. And I promise I will not fake it this time.
Monica: Well, I wish I could say the same. I'm a little shook up.
Quote from Monica
Monica: Okay, it's baby time. Pants off, Bing. Didn't see you there, Geller.