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Quote from Monica in The Where Rachel Rachel Goes Back to Work

Monica: There's always gonna be a reason not to do this but I think once the baby comes, we'll forget about all those reasons.
Chandler: I guess. I mean, it's always gonna be scary when we have a baby.
Monica: It's gonna be really scary. I mean, God, when we have a baby there's gonna be so much that we're not able to control. I mean, the apartment's gonna be a mess. I won't have time to clean it. What if the baby gets into the ribbon drawer and messes up all the ribbons? What if there's no room for a ribbon drawer because the baby's stuff takes up all the space? Where will all the ribbons go?
Chandler: Should we go make a baby right now before you change your mind?
Monica: Yes, please.
Chandler: Okay. And I promise I will not fake it this time.
Monica: Well, I wish I could say the same. I'm a little shook up.

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