Ross Quote #622

Quote from Ross in The One with the Ride-Along

Rachel: Okay? I was right. Your decision.
Ross: Right. I guess I should call Emily.
Rachel: Okay, no. No, that's not the right decision. That's not right. Ross, come on. I mean that woman made you miserable. Okay, Ross, do you really want to get back into that?
Ross: Okay, look. Yesterday I wouldn't have even considered calling her back. But my ex-wife calls on the same day I have a near-death experience? That's gotta mean something.
Rachel: Ross, that was not a near-death experience. That was barely an experience.
Ross: You weren't there!


 ‘The One with the Ride-Along’ Quotes

Quote from Ross

Ross: Hey, Ross, it's you. I just want you to remember this feeling. You are lucky to be alive. So live every day to the fullest. Love yourself, okay? Okay. And also get stamps. Bye.

Quote from Ross

Ross: So, where are we going next?
Gary: This witness won't return my calls. We'll surprise him coming home.
Chandler: Surprise him? We're not gonna make anybody mad, are we?
Joey: Come on, man. So you gonna squeeze the perp's shoes a bit before he lawyers up?
Gary: He's a witness, not a perp. And no one tawks like that.
Ross: Yeah. No one tawks like that.

Quote from Ross

[Ross accidentally turns on the police cherry]
Gary: Hey, do you mind? We're undercover here.
Ross: Oh, yeah. No problem.
Gary: Ross!
Ross: Sorry. There. [Ross puts the cherry under his t-shirt] Hey, Gary. Who am l? Phone home.