Joey Quote #554

Quote from Joey in The One with the Worst Best Man Ever

Ross: Everything so far sounds great, Joey. Just remember, keep it on the mellow side, okay? Just a few guys hanging out, playing poker. No strippers or anything.
Joey: You got it.
Ross: Okay. See you later.
Chandler: Have fun planning your mellow bachelor party.
Joey: Well, there's going to be strippers there. He didn't say anything about no strippers.
Chandler: He just said, "No strippers."
Joey: I chose not to hear that.


 ‘The One with the Worst Best Man Ever’ Quotes

Quote from Chandler

Chandler: A little announcement. I have decided that my best man is my best friend Gunther.
Gunther: What's my last name?
Chandler: Central Perk?

Quote from Ross

Chandler: Hey, guys, what are you doing?
Ross: Oh, just planning my bachelor party with my best man.
Chandler: Yeah, well, good luck trying to top the last one.
Ross: Yeah, see, I don't think it's going to be that difficult since this one won't take place in the basement of a Pizza Hut.
Chandler: Ooh, I'm Ross, I'm Ross. I'm too good for the Hut. I'm too good for the Hut.

Quote from Gunther

Gunther: Thanks for not marrying Rachel.