Monica Quote #1126

Quote from Monica in The One at the Beach

Chandler: Um, why couldn't I be your boyfriend?
Monica: Are you still on that?
Chandler: Uh-huh.
Joey: Would you let it go already?
Monica: Thank you, Joey.
Joey: But you'd go out with me, right?
Monica: No. It's the same as with Chandler. We're friends.
Joey: Whoa. Uh, let's say that we are the last two guys on the face of the planet and you have a gun to your head. Which one would you pick?
Monica: Which one of you has the gun to my head?


 ‘The One at the Beach’ Quotes

Quote from Phoebe

Monica: So what's Phoebe like?
Phoebe: I'm kind, caring and sweet. What's Monica like?
Monica: No, the other Phoebe. The one you went to go see.

Quote from Joey

Rachel: Is that woman capable of talking about anything other than sex?
Joey: Yeah, sure. Earlier she was talking about geography.
Monica: Joey ,she was listing the countries she's done it in.
Joey: I think we all learned something.

Quote from Phoebe

Phoebe: She's out of town. There's got to be something in her house that tells me where my father is.
Ross: Uh, Pheebs, some people call that "breaking and entering."
Phoebe: Well, are any of those people here?
Monica: No.
Joey: Oh, no, no.
Phoebe: Look, I'll do something nice, okay? I'll fill her ice trays.