Phoebe Quote #356

Quote from Phoebe in The One with Frank, Jr.

Monica: We used to drive each other crazy playing the shadow game.
Phoebe: How do you play the shadow game?
Monica: How do you play the shadow game?
Phoebe: I just asked you.
Monica: I just asked you.
Phoebe: I don't have time for this.
Monica: No, that is what the game is.
Phoebe: You just gave up really quickly.


 ‘The One with Frank, Jr.’ Quotes

Quote from Chandler

Joey: Oh, sorry. Did I get you?
Chandler: No, you didn't "get" me! It's an electric drill! You "get" me, you kill me!

Quote from Ross

Isabella Rossellini: Is that the list?
Ross: Yes.
Isabella Rossellini: Can I see it?
Ross: Um, no.
Isabella Rossellini: I'm not on the list!
Ross: But, see, that's not the final draft.
Isabella Rossellini: It's laminated.
Ross: Okay, see, you were on my list. But then my friend, Chandler, brought up the very good point that you are international. So I bumped you for Winona Ryder. Local.
Isabella Rossellini: You know, it's ironic, because I have a list of five goofy coffeehouse guys. And yesterday, I just bumped you for that guy over there.

Quote from Chandler

Joey: Well, you know how we're always say we need a place for the mail.
Chandler: Yeah.
Joey: Well, I started building one, but then I decided to take it to the next step.
Chandler: You're building a post office?