Ross Quote #1033

Quote from Ross in The One with the Baby Shower

Joey: All right, Ross you're in the lead. Would you like to take another question or spin the Wheel of Mayhem?
Ross: The Wheel has not been my friend tonight, Joey. I'll take another question.
Joey: Okay, this is going to be tough. Hold your breath.
Ross: It's okay. I'm ready.
Joey: No, dude, you gotta hold your breath until you're ready to answer the question.
Chandler: This is ridiculous. He's not gonna-
[Ross holds his breath]
Joey: Okay. What do you have a fear of if you suffer from this phobia? Triska- Holy cow. That's a big word. Tris- Seriously, look at this, Chandler. How do you say that?
Chandler: Let me see that.
Joey: This one right here.
Chandler: Triskaidekaphobia.
Ross: Fear of Triscuits.
Joey: No. No. Fear of the number 13.
Chandler: Fear of Triscuits?
Ross: It's possible. They have really sharp edges.


 ‘The One with the Baby Shower’ Quotes

Quote from Mrs. Green

Phoebe: All right, everybody. It's time to open the presents.
Monica: Yes, yes! And I think that the first gift that Rachel opens should be from the grandmother of the baby. Because you're the most important person in this room. And in the world!
Mrs. Green: Well, I don't have a gift because I wasn't invited until the last minute. But thank you so much, dear, for bringing that to everybody's attention.

Quote from Phoebe

Monica: It wasn't my fault. Phoebe was in charge of the invitations.
Phoebe: Well, I don't have a mother. So often I forget-
Monica: Oh, give it a rest.
Rachel: So my mother is not coming to my baby shower?
Phoebe: No. Neither is mine.

Quote from Mrs. Green

Monica: Wait a minute. If you're in charge of invitations, why am I the one that had to call her? Hello, Mrs. Green. Hi, it's Monica Geller.
Mrs. Green: Oh, hello, Monica.
Monica: Hi. I know this is last-minute, but we've decided to throw an impromptu baby shower for Rachel today.
Mrs. Green: I know. My daughters told me about it when they received their impromptu invitations a month ago.
Monica: Okay, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Mrs. Green: For what, dear? For not inviting me, or for lying about it?