Phoebe Quote #181

Quote from Phoebe in The One Where Ross Finds Out

Monica: Chandler, I'm unemployed, in dire need of a project. Wanna work out? I can remake you.
Chandler: Oh, you know, I would, but that might get in the way of my lying-around time.
Monica: Please?
Joey: Come on, let her do it!
Chandler: All right. Okay. But if we put on spandex and my boobs are bigger than yours, I'm going home.
Phoebe: Your boobs are fine. Look, I never should have said anything. Come here. Come here!
[Chandler hugs Phoebe] Oh, oh, can't make hands meet.


 ‘The One Where Ross Finds Out’ Quotes

Quote from Rachel

Rachel: Hi. I'm sorry. I need to borrow your phone for just one minute.
Phone Guy: I'm talking.
Rachel: I can see that. Just one phone call, I'll be very quick. I'll even pay for it myself. Okay, you're being a little weird about your phone.
Phone Guy: All right. Fine. I'll call you back.
Rachel: Thank you. Machine. Just waiting for the beep.
Michael: Good.
Rachel: Ross! Hi, it's Rachel. I'm just calling to say that everything's fine. And I'm really happy for you and your cat. Who, by the way, I think you should name Michael. You see there, I'm thinking of names so obviously I am over you. I am over you. And that, my friend, is what they call "closure."

Quote from Ross

Rachel: Did we speak on the phone last night? Did you call me?
Ross: No, I stayed at Julie's last night. Actually, I haven't even been home yet. Do you mind if I check my messages?
Rachel: Oh, yeah, go ahead.
Ross: Rach, I got a message from you. Who's Michael?
Rachel: Oh, my God. Ross, no. Hang up the phone. Give me the phone! Give me the- [Rachel jumps on Ross's back and grabs the phone, throwing it in the sink]
Ross: You're over me?
Rachel: Oh, God.
Ross: You're-
Rachel: Oh, God.
Ross: You're over me?
Rachel: Oh, God.
Ross: When were you under me?

Quote from Phoebe

Phoebe: So I figured it out.
Joey: What?
Phoebe: Why Scott doesn't want to sleep with me. It's because I'm not sexy enough.
Joey: Phoebe, that's crazy. When I first met you, you know what I said to Chandler? I said, "Excellent butt, great rack."
Phoebe: Really? That's so sweet. I mean, I'm officially offended. But that's so sweet.