Monica Quote #116

Quote from Monica in The One with the List

Monica: Mr. Rastatter, what does this job entail? The ad wasn't clear.
Mr. Rastatter: Mockolate.
Monica: I'm sorry?
Mr. Rastatter: Mockolate. It's a completely synthetic chocolate substitute.
Monica: Ooh.
Mr. Rastatter: Well, go ahead, try a piece. Yeah, we think Mockolate is even better than chocolate.
Monica: All right. Mmm.
Mr. Rastatter: Yeah?
Monica: I love how it crumbles. You see, chocolate doesn't do that?
Mr. Rastatter: No, ma'am. Well, anyhoo, we should be getting our FDA approval any day now. [fingers crossed] Hopefully, in time for Thanksgiving. See, the way we look at it, chocolate already dominates your major food-preparation holidays. Easter, Christmas, what have you. But, we're thinking, given the right marketing we can make Thanksgiving the Mockolate holiday.
Monica: Wow.
Mr. Rastatter: Aren't you gonna swallow that?
Monica: Just waiting for it to stop bubbling.
Mr. Rastatter: Yeah, isn't that great? Well, anyhoo, we're looking for a couple of chefs who can create Thanksgiving recipes. You think you might be interested?
Monica: Abso-[swallowing]-lutely! See, I love creating recipes, I love Thanksgiving, and now I love Mockolate.
Mr. Rastatter: Really?
Monica: Especially that aftertaste. I tell you that'll last you till Christmas.


 ‘The One with the List’ Quotes

Quote from Monica

Mr. Rastatter: Thanks for coming in again.
Monica: Not at all. I have no morals, and I need the cash.
Mr. Rastatter: It's like I'm looking in a mirror. Anyway, they're called Fish-tachios. They taste exactly like pistachios but they're made primarily of reconstituted fish bits. Here, try one. [opens a jar]
Monica: All right.
Mr. Rastatter:You're not allergic to anything?
Monica: Cat hair.
Mr. Rastatter: Oh, sorry. [closes the jar]

Quote from Phoebe

Phoebe: Okay. This is a song about a love triangle between three people I made up. It's called "Two of Them Kissed Last Night."
[playing her guitar and singing] There was a girl, We'll call her Betty, And a guy, Let's call him Neil, Now I can't stress, This point too strongly, This story isn't real.
Now our Neil must decide, Who will be the girl that he casts aside, Will Betty be the one who he loves truly, Or will it be the one who we'll call Loolie.
He must decide, He must decide, Even though I made him up, He must decide.

Quote from Monica

Monica: Now, in some of these recipes, the quantities may seem unusual. Like these coconut Mockolate holiday nut bars? I've indicated four cups of coconut and four cups of crushed nuts and only one tablespoon of Mockolate.
Mr. Rastatter: Doesn't matter.
Monica: What?
Mr. Rastatter: Our FDA approval didn't come through. Something about laboratory rats.
Monica: Gosh, I'm sorry.
Mr. Rastatter: Yeah. Hell, anyhoo, here's your check. Thank you for all the trouble you went through. Listen, you didn't eat a lot of it while you were cooking, did you?
Monica: Well, I ate some.
Mr. Rastatter: Oh, some. That's fine. Some is not a lot. So it doesn't burn when you pee, does it?