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The Perfect Guy

‘The Perfect Guy’

Season 5, Episode 17 - Aired March 24, 1998

Frasier is jealous when a new doctor joins KACL who seems to be Frasier's superior in every way. Meanwhile, Martin causes trouble at Niles' favorite French-food store.

Quote from Frasier

Sharon: About the photo shoot tomorrow, will you be needing make-up?
Frasier: Oh, heavens, no.
Sharon: That's a good choice, because I think that you look very handsome without it.
Frasier: Really? Well, I think you look very attractive with make-up. Not that I'm saying you need make-up, it's that if indeed you are wearing make-up, it's so expertly applied that I wouldn't even know you're wearing make-up. Uh, I bet it looks like I'm wearing some rouge right now.


Quote from Frasier

Sharon: Oh, Dr. Crane, I've been meaning to ask you: what do you think about two people who work together dating?
Frasier: Oh, well, Sharon. I'm asked that question a lot and let me tell you, the stark reality is that that situation is fraught with... [looking at Sharon]... delightful possibilities.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Besides, you know, we'd all gotten a bit tired of the last show that was in that timeslot; "Bert The Backyard Gardener." Rumor has it that his latest crop gave new meaning to the term, "Potting Shed".

Quote from Frasier

Roz: Oh, my God, could I have acted any goofier?
Frasier: Not without a set of fake buck-teeth.

Quote from Bulldog

Bulldog: This stinks, this is total B.S.! The chicks are all going nuts over this new Webber guy. I'm supposed to be the only sex symbol around here. [pulls shirt up showing his torso] Wait, look at it, look at this. Come on, take your best shot. [Roz goes at Bulldog] Whoa, not you. One of those guys.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Well, that's the first time I've ever seen a man "in" himself.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Well, I too understand the importance in taking some time off before beginning medical school. I spent that summer in Milan studying the history of opera. In fact, I had the good fortune to make an acquaintance and become friends with a then-little-known young tenor by the name of Carreras.
Clint: Jose Carreras?
Frasier: Forgive the name dropping.
Clint: He's my godfather.
Frasier: You're joking!
Clint: No, I'll call him tonight, he'll be delighted to hear I'm working with you.
Frasier: I'll be interested to see if he remembers the game we used to play where we pretended not to remember one another.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Oh, Roz, for heaven's sake. You're behaving like a starry eyed bobby-soxer. Yes, the man is good looking. It's not like he can stop traffic.
[Tires screech, horns sound]
Frasier: There's a blind corner out there. We don't know that was him.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: It was a lovely morning. Clint was gracious enough to treat me to breakfast. Course, once we
arrived at "Le Relais," the chef had just cut himself. Clint not only treated the wound but set about to making us a flawless egg-white and truffle omelet.
Clint: I put myself through med school as a sous-chef at "Le Cirque."
Roz: Sometimes I just want to pinch you to make sure you're real.
Frasier: He's real.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Go ahead, you're on the air.
Marie: "Oh, hi, hi, Dr. Crane, it's Marie."
Frasier: Oh, hello, Marie, I'm listening.
Marie: "I've been having a hard time getting out of bed every morning and when I finally do I'm irritable for hours."
Frasier: Really? Well, Marie, the desire to stay in bed is very similar to the desire to regress to the womb. Some
unconscious fear is driving you to a place of safety. Now, in order to resolve this problem you're going to have to examine your life and discover just what it is you're retreating from. It's hard but very necessary work, I suggest that it maybe time to try some therapy.
Marie: "Wow!"
Clint: You are good, Dr. Crane. The first thing that came to my head was that she might be a little hypoglycemic, I'd have suggested some protein in the morning.
Marie: "Oh, wait a minute. Last Thursday I had eggs for breakfast and I felt great all day."
Clint: Well, maybe that's it, then.
Marie: "Oh, what a relief. You know, you scared the life out of me, Dr. Crane."
Frasier: Yes, well, thank you, Marie.

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