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The Great Crane Robbery

‘The Great Crane Robbery’

Season 8, Episode 4 - Aired November 14, 2000

When the station is taken over by a young Silicon Valley entrepreneur, Frasier takes it upon himself to teach the guy about the finer things in life.

Quote from Martin

Frasier: Ah, Dad. What do you think of the new look?
Martin: Wow, nice stuff. You really tied the flow to the motif.
Frasier: Thanks for trying.


Quote from Martin

Frasier: Dad?
Martin: [not looking up] Looks great, son.
Frasier: There's nothing here.
Martin: I know.

Quote from Martin

Frasier: The only furniture that looks good in my apartment is my own.
Martin: Well, I could have told you that three love seats ago. So what are you waiting for? Go bring it back.

Quote from Martin

Frasier: You know, Dad, even if I do get my furniture back, it doesn't solve anything. There's still someone downstairs with my apartment.
Martin: That's not your apartment. This is your apartment. And if every stooge in the building rips you off, it doesn't take anything away from you because you were the original.

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