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The Dog That Rocks the Cradle

‘The Dog That Rocks the Cradle’

Season 7, Episode 5 - Aired November 21, 1999

As Roz decides to get back in the dating game, she hires Bulldog to babysit Alice.

Quote from Roz

Frasier: Roz. Listen, I think you may have solved your babysitting problem.
Roz: Bulldog? Are you nuts?
Frasier: Well, look, Alice is obviously crazy about him, and he could use the money.
Roz: I don't know.
Frasier: Okay, fine. Fine, Roz. You just cancel your date. I mean, you've been this long without a man, what's a few days more?
Roz: Bulldog, do you want a job?


Quote from Bulldog

Bulldog: [feeding Alice] Okay, one more bite, then we can watch Sports Center.

Quote from Bulldog

Bulldog: I guess no one quite measured up to that week you spent in the doghouse, huh?
Roz: Let's get one thing straight. That little fling we had...
Bulldog: I know, I know, I know. I was joking.

Quote from Bulldog

Bulldog: [to Alice] Okay. If you're not going to have some peaches, we've got some jello in the fridge. You know, some naughty ladies like to wrestle in that stuff.

Quote from Bulldog

Bulldog: Hey.
Steven: Oh. Excuse me, is this Roz Doyle's apartment?
Bulldog: Yeah, yeah. Are you her date?
Steven: Yeah.
Bulldog: Listen up, if you go out with Roz tonight, I will rip off your arm, ram it down your throat and use it to squeeze your heart until it stops beating. [to Alice] Who's my pretty girl? [grabs Steve] Okay, dirtball. As soon as you get out of here, you call Roz and you cancel like a gentleman. As far as she's concerned, this conversation never took place. Got it?
Steven: Who are you?
Bulldog: I'm your worse nightmare, the babysitter!

Quote from Bulldog

Bulldog: Whoa!
Roz: Do I look slutty?
Bulldog: All right, if you're fishing for compliments, yeah, you look slutty.

Quote from Bulldog

Bulldog: Well, I guess I can go. Oh, I ordered a pizza. Just have him drop it by my place. Oh, I'm at the YMCA. Oh, have him knock hard, I turn up the radio to drown out the sirens.

Quote from Bulldog

Roz: Come and tell us what you guys did at the park today.
Bulldog: We fed the ducks! We went on a pony ride and then came back for a whole jar of peas.
Roz: Peas? How'd you get her to eat those?
Bulldog: Oh, there's a trick to it. You've got to pretend to sneeze them out of your nose.
Roz: How did you come up with that?
Bulldog: It's an interesting story.
Roz: Actually, don't tell me.

Quote from Frasier

Roz: Tell me something, do I have the word "loser" tattooed across my forehead?
Frasier: No, Roz, but there is a rumor about a "Tweety Bird on your upper thigh.

Quote from Frasier

Roz: That's Ted from the ad department. We've been making eye contact for months.
Frasier: Oh, yes, Ted. Well, his gaze is so steamy it's re-foaming my latte.

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