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Roz's Turn

‘Roz's Turn’

Season 4, Episode 17 - Aired April 15, 1997

After a time slot opens up at the radio station, Roz puts herself forward but Frasier is afraid of losing his partner.

Quote from Bebe

Bebe: People, I want you to meet Frasier Crane.
Frasier: Hello all.
Bebe: The caringest client an agent ever had. Frasier, this is Professor Pete, the human encyclopedia. Ask him anything, he can't be stopped.
Frasier: Oh, all right. Explain Freud's theory of the superego.
Pete: Sigmund Freud, noted psychiatrist, was born in Vienna.
Frasier: That's not what I asked.
Pete: He believed dreams had secret meanings.
Bebe: He just pulls it out of the air.


Quote from Bebe

Bebe: But, if it's a raucous political debate you want, meet newlyweds Hank and Hannah Finch.
Frasier: Hello, Hank.
Bebe: He's a right-wing Baptist preacher, she's a fun-loving bisexual. Conflicts? You bet! Have you ever seen such talent?
Frasier: Well..
Bebe: [takes Frasier aside:] God, they're pathetic!

Quote from Bebe

Bebe: Well, ra-ra for little Roz.
Frasier: Yes, well, I'm really thrilled for her, I am. But God knows where I'm going to find another producer I feel so in sync with her.
Bebe: You know, Hank Finch produced hygiene films in the army.
Frasier: No, no, no. Bebe, I don't think so. Oh, I'm not proud to admit this, but there's a small part of me that hopes she doesn't get the job. God, I feel guilty just saying that.
Bebe: You're so good. Everything makes you feel guilty. I'm so proud to represent you. You're like a modern day... what's his name? Pete, famous German doctor, built a hospital in Africa. Albert something?
Pete: Hang on.
Frasier: Schweitzer.
Pete: No.

Quote from Bulldog

Bulldog: Hey Roz, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but Brenda from the newsroom got the job.
Roz: Brenda?
Frasier: Oh, Roz.
Bulldog: It's total BS. Listen, er, if you need a little comforting later... [shouting out the door] Hey Brenda, alright! [to Roz:] I'm there for you.

Quote from Frasier

Roz: Oh look at me, I'm so busy feeling sorry for myself I haven't even thanked you for all your help.
Frasier: Oh, that's not necessary.
Roz: No, it is. Look how close you helped me get, it's because of you I was second choice.
Frasier: I can't argue with that.

Quote from Bebe

Bebe: We're losing one. Code red.

Quote from Bebe

Bebe: What can I get you? Champagne?
Roz: Nothing.
Bebe: A massage?
Frasier: No, thank you.
Bebe: You're sure? Vladimir can be here in five minutes, he will play your spine like a Steinway.

Quote from Bebe

[Bebe's assistant hands her pill after pill as Frasier tries to make his case]
Frasier: Thanks to you, a strain has been put on our relationship, both professional and personally. All of this I might be able to let go of as an isolated incident, but I am concerned that... Are you quite alright?
Bebe: It's nothing. It's just a silly little cardiac thing. [to her assistant] Go, go, you're distracting my client and my clients come first.

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