Niles Quote #1876

Quote from Niles in Don't Go Breaking My Heart (Part 3)

Martin: Hey, you want some of this fancy dessert? It must be really good because Frasier told me not to touch it.
Niles: No. No, thanks, I brought some of these tasty rye flats in case I feel peckish.
Martin: They look like wood. I thought your doctor cleared you to eat normal foods.
Niles: Well, uh, he did, but I feel my tastes have gotten simpler since I cheated death. [grimacing as he chews the dry, cardboard-like food] It's hard to explain.


 ‘Don't Go Breaking My Heart (Part 3)’ Quotes

Quote from Martin

Martin: When I got out of the hospital, I was terrified to take a risk. I didn't want to leave the house. Ducked for cover every time a car backfired.
Niles: I know my fears aren't rational. I know my heart is sound. I feel fine. But I felt fine before this happened. How do I know that the same thing isn't going to...
Martin: Well, you don't know. That's exactly what I came to realize. Life's a crap shoot. We could all go at any time. That's why we have to make the most of whatever time we've got. Like sand through the hourglass, so are the Days of Our Lives...
Niles: Okay, point taken.

Quote from Niles

Daphne: Niles! What happened? Are you all right?
Niles: Yes. I just jumped into bed with your mother.
Daphne: Oh, dear. No wonder she screamed.
Niles: That wasn't her.
Daphne: What were you doing in there?
Niles: I just... wanted to... take my wife into my arms and show her how much I love her.
Daphne: Are you sure you're ready?
Niles: Trust me. If my heart can take that, it can take anything.

Quote from Gertrude

Daphne: You know, maybe I'll give that a try. When Niles walks into that guest room tonight, I'll have a surprise waiting for him. Candles, soft music, a negligée... Nothing too sexy, we don't want to strain his heart.
Gertrude: Well, there's nothing wrong with your ego.