Frasier Quote #2520

Quote from Frasier in It Takes Two to Tangle

Frasier: The long and the short of it, Ms. Janvier, is, is that my alma mater, Bryce Academy, is in dire straights. The coffers are bare, and our only hope is to find a savior. Forgive me for being presumptuous, but I was hoping it might be you.
Penelope: Actually, I'm familiar with Bryce.
Frasier: Oh, well then you must also be familiar with their excellent standards.
Penelope: Yes, I am. They wouldn't let in William.
Frasier: Well, with your endowment, I'm sure he'd be a shoe-in.


 ‘It Takes Two to Tangle’ Quotes

Quote from Niles

Penelope: Frasier? Where's your father off to?
Frasier: He, he had to take more pills.
Penelope: My goodness, I had no idea he was on so much medication. Are you concerned?
Frasier: Well, not really, no. He'll be fine. I just wish I could same the same for our old high school.
William: What are you three taking about?
Niles: William, there you are. Excuse us. I just wanted to alert you to a possible situation. I overheard one of the servers discussing a one-act play he wanted your mother to produce.
William: Okay, which one?
Niles: I think it was something by Chekhov.

Quote from Martin

Niles: Do you have any idea who that was?
Martin: Yeah, she said her name was Penelope "John Veer" or "Jeen Veeair" or something.
Frasier: Janvier, Dad. "Jean", "Jean". Oh, it doesn't matter.
Martin: Well it does to me. I wanna say her name right if we're having dinner tomorrow.
Frasier: You didn't ask her out, did you Dad?
Martin: No, she asked me out.
Frasier: Oh, I'm sorry, Dad, it's just that I'm a little shocked.
Martin: Actually, I think that's pronounced "Sorry, Dad, I'm a condescending jackass."

Quote from Martin

Penelope: If I let you leave without knowing if you're sick, I'll worry all night.
Frasier: And you wouldn't want that, now would you, Dad? Here we are.
Martin: All right, all right.
Frasier: Doctor, be thorough.
Martin: But the pants stay on.