Frasier Quote #1664

Quote from Frasier in Frasier's Curse

Mr. Rugly: It's all right, Dr. Crane. It's a great suit, by the way.
Frasier: Thank you.
Mr. Rugly: Your-
Frasier: I know, it's a bit risky. People have been commenting on it all day. It makes a bold statement, but frankly I like it. I cut through the park on the way over here and it caught the eye of many a young lady. [looking down] Oh God, my fly! I thought you were talking about my belt.


 ‘Frasier's Curse’ Quotes

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Just read it. Scott Alexander, what's he been up to?
Daphne: Wife, kids, has his own computer software business.
Frasier: Nancy Kearns.
Daphne: Mother of three, successful physician, has invented a drug that may aid in the treatment of cancer.
Frasier: Ah, a cure for cancer. Won't they be green with envy when I trump them all with this little story of my life: Frasier Crane, unattached, unemployed and living with his father. He spends his days scrubbing his oven and is anxiously awaiting his upcoming tooth cleaning!

Quote from Frasier

Niles: Frasier, are you all right?
Frasier: I was fine before you screamed. What the hell's wrong with you?
Niles: Well, Daphne said you were depressed and here you are with your head in the oven.
Frasier: I was cleaning it, Niles. It's electric. If I was going to end my life I'd choose something quicker than broiling.

Quote from Niles

Daphne: Am I glad you're home.
Martin: What's wrong?
Daphne: It's Dr. Crane. Ever since he came back from his job interview he's seemed awfully depressed. In fact, he's as bad as I've ever seen him.
Niles: Oh, I guess it didn't go well.
Daphne: I gather not. He mumbled something about it being worse than the Dresden premiere of Schumann's Second Symphony.
Niles: And you left him alone?! [running] Frasier!
Daphne: He's in the kitchen.
[finding Frasier with his head in the oven:]
Niles: Oh, my God!