Frasier Quote #1279

Quote from Frasier in Are You Being Served?

Niles: What are we going to do?
Frasier: Well, I guess we're just going to have to wait until Lady Baskerville comes back from the spa.


 ‘Are You Being Served?’ Quotes

Quote from Martin

[Niles is in the bathroom. Frasier talks to him through the door.]
Frasier: Niles, just remember to keep breathing. And trust me, this is not the end. Your life is not over. [silence] Niles. Niles!
[A loud bang is heard from inside the bathroom.]
Frasier: Oh, my God.
[Frasier reluctantly opens the bathroom door. He looks in and sees the door splattered with white foam. Niles emerges covered in the stuff.]
Daphne: Dr. Crane, are you all right?
Niles: I'm fine. Just a little hot. And foamy.
Martin: You know what must have happened? My Hot & Foamy must have exploded.
Daphne: He was a detective, you know!

Quote from Niles

Frasier: I must say, Niles, that is a striking tie you're wearing.
Niles: Thank you. It was a gift from Maris. She had it made for me to commemorate the end of that dreadful winter she had her obesity scare.
Frasier: Oh, yes. I remember her struggle to lose that holiday pound.
Niles: After she'd restored her figure, she had Yoshi set fire to a hippopotamus topiary she felt had taunted her. Then, as a visual reminder never to let herself go again, she had this tie made for me out of the legs of her fat pants.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Niles? Niles, this painting here in the living room. Have you always had this?
Niles: The one of Maris and me in the garden? Yes, we had it commissioned on our third anniversary.
Frasier: No, no, it must be a different painting. This is Maris next to a really big tree.
Niles: No, there's no tree in that painting, it's... Oh, my God. She's had me completely painted out. I don't think I can take much more of this.
Frasier: In that case, I wouldn't look too closely at the face of that skunk in the flowerbed.