Frasier Quote #1067

Quote from Frasier in A Cranes' Critique

T.H. Houghton: How could I be so blind? I lifted the entire structure from Dante.
Niles: Oh, you mean you weren't going for that.
T.H. Houghton: Of course not. This confirms my worst fear. I have nothing original left to say. I'm an empty shell. I was a fool to think I had a second book in me. "The winters were harsh on the farm." Well,
here's something to warm them up. [starts throwing the pages into the fire]
Martin: What's going on here?
T.H. Houghton: You're both right. I'm a talentless hack who got lucky once.
Frasier: Dad, we didn't say that.
Martin: Hey, you're not listening to these two, are you?
T.H. Houghton: Look at this trash. It won't even burn.
Frasier: Well, it's a fireplace, you see. It's not well ventilated.
T.H. Houghton: This book doesn't belong in a fireplace. It belongs in the gutter with the rest of society's garbage. [T.H. Houghton goes out and throws his book off the balcony] I want to thank you two. If I had published that book my reputation would have been destroyed. At least now I'm left with a shred of dignity. [He walks out with a page stuck to his shoe]


 ‘A Cranes' Critique’ Quotes

Quote from Roz

Frasier: You know Roz, I would have thought that the gentleman over there with the flannel shirt would have been more your type.
Roz: Him? Not a chance. See the way he's slurping his orange juice? Sloppy kisser! You can tell right away the guy's no good in bed. He's so cautious. Look at the way he's blowing on his coffee.
[Frasier and Roz turn to Niles who is blowing on his coffee]
Niles: I wasn't trying to cool it. I was simply blowing a foam hole.
Roz: You don't even wrinkle the sheets, do you?

Quote from Martin

Niles: Is it me or is the foam a tad dense today?
Frasier: Like a dreary fog on a Scottish moor.
Niles: Rather than accent it overwhelms. Rather than flirt it assaults.
Martin: Rather than watching the ballgame I have to listen to this.

Quote from Niles

Niles: The atmosphere has to be absolutely perfect.
Frasier: Good point. Let's begin with the lighting.
Niles: Warmer. [Frasier turns the switch slighty] Warmer. [Frasier turns again] A little cooler. [Frasier turns again] A touch warmer. [Frasier turns again] A hair back. [Frasier gives up and goes to the drinks cabinet] No, no, a hair the other way. No, a touch warmer. Perfect.
Frasier: Good.