Frasier Quote #2778

Quote from Frasier in Mother Load (Part 2)

Frasier: Are we fiercely patriotic? Yes. But how do we best demonstrate that? Not by infringing on the rights and balconies of others, but as most good Americans do, in our hearts, with generous spirit and quiet reverence. I respectfully submit that when we display the flag as Mr. Winston has, it flies in the face of the very freedoms for which it stands. Thank you.
Mr. Williams: Cam, rebuttal?
Cam: The last thing I wanted was to create conflict. I was merely trying to boost the morale of the community.
Mrs. Richman: And so you have. [the tenants murmur agreement]
Mr. Williams: I move that the flag stays.
Frasier: All right, all right, ver-ver- Very well, then. B-but perhaps... Perhaps we could display it on the north side of the building, for the benefit of our Canadian neighbors.
Cam: That was my first instinct, but it can't be illuminated at night from that side.
Mrs. Richman: Lighting is a must.
Mr. Williams: Absolutely.
Mrs. Richman: Then it's settled. [pounds gavel]


 ‘Mother Load (Part 2)’ Quotes

Quote from Gertrude

Daphne: I know you're upset, Mum, but it's not like you and Dad had a perfect marriage.
Gertrude: That's because there's no such thing. You young modern people think marriage is some sort of promenade through paradise, when it's more like a march through Hell with a man strapped to your back and a litter of nasty babies swinging from your teats!

Quote from Simon

Simon: Well, I'm just getting some provisions for my trip.
Daphne: What trip?
Simon: Well, I just thought I'd go meet some mates in California.
Daphne: You can't run out on Mum, she's counting on you!
Simon: She's got the other boys back home.
Daphne: They've all sided with Dad, you know that. You're all she's got.
Simon: I'm not cut out to take care of Mum. She's too demanding. She turned Dad into a shiftless drinker. I can't have her doing that to me.

Quote from Niles

Daphne: It was a good idea taking Mum out today. Helped take her mind off Dad.
Niles: Yeah, although I'm not sure the zoo was the best idea. The sight of those amorous wolverines seemed to set her back a bit.
Daphne: Amorous? I thought they were trying to kill each other.
Niles: Well, either way, it seemed to remind her of something.