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My Coffee with Niles

‘My Coffee with Niles’

Season 1, Episode 24 - Aired May 19, 1994

When he oncemore joins Niles for coffee, Frasier is stumped by a seemingly simple question: "Are you happy?"

Quote from Martin

Martin: How did you know I was coming back here anyway?
Daphne: I had one of my psychic flashes. Bang! There you were, walking in the front door of Café Nervosa. And there you were apologizing to me for the way you've treated me this past week.
Martin: Yeah, I'm sorry about that, Daphne. I- Just forget about it, all right?
Daphne: And something about a raise.
Martin: You're winging it now, aren't you?
Daphne: Am I that transparent?
Martin: No. I'm psychic.


Quote from Frasier

Waitress: Zimbabwe, decaf, non-fat milk, no cinnamon in sight. Now, are you happy?
Frasier: You know, in the greater scheme of things, yes, I'd say I am.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Oh, excuse me, did I say decaf?
Waitress: No, you didn't.
Frasier: Oh, I'm sorry. If I drink the regular it'll keep me tossing and turning all through my brother's conversation.

Quote from Martin

Martin: This was stupid. This whole thing was stupid. Admit it.
Daphne: It was not stupid. You needed your exercise. What was stupid was that you came out without your bumbershoot!
Martin: It's called an umbrella! Speak English, can't you?

Quote from Niles

Frasier: It's kinda busy, any chance of getting a table?
Niles: Not at the moment. The table by the window received their check five minutes ago but they've been just sitting there, yammering away ever since. I've been shooting them dirty looks, but they haven't budged.
Frasier: Show me the look. [Niles gives a stern expression with a raised eyebrow] They're there for a while.

Quote from Frasier

Roz: The new guy from the news department, Andy Winslow. He's really cute. He caught me checking him out when he was bending over the water fountain.
Frasier: Ah! Love at first sight!

Quote from Daphne

Martin: Hey, I told you I didn't want to come here in the first place. Look at me, I'm going to die of pneumonia.
Daphne: Oh, you'll outlive us all. The cranky ones always do.

Quote from Niles

Niles: Frasier, I can't get her out of my mind. When I look at Daphne, she stirs a passion in me I've never known before.
Frasier: Niles, you're not considering leaving Maris?
Niles: Certainly not.
Frasier: Well, then, I suppose the situation you're in is that you'd like to stay with Maris but you'd like an affair with Daphne.
Niles: Yes. Can I do that?
Frasier: No, you can't.
Niles: I thought that I couldn't but you got my hopes up there for a minute.

Quote from Roz

Frasier: Oh, I'm sorry, Roz, why don't you join us?
Roz: No. No, thank you. There's a cute new handyman in my building. I thought I'd just go home, slip into a negligée and rip out my faucet. [leaves]
Frasier: You think she's kidding, don't you?

Quote from Martin

Niles: Frasier, as always, I've enjoyed getting together with you for coffee.
Martin: What do you guys talk about all the time?
Niles: Oh, you know, sports, chicks, monster truck rallies.
Martin: Okay, don't tell me.

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