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I'm Listening

‘I'm Listening’

Season 11, Episode 6 - Aired October 21, 2003

Martin is annoyed when Frasier overhears Ronee making a date with another man.

Quote from Daphne

Martin: Hey, Niles. Ready to bob-bob-she-bob?
Niles: Oh, dear God. Is it a dance? Am I going to have to move about?
Martin: No, you don't have to, but you're going to want to.
Niles: Daphne?
Daphne: I'm pregnant.
Niles: What does that have to do with it?
Daphne: It's my blanket excuse until the baby is born. After that, it'll be, "I can't leave the baby." Get used to it.


Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Dad... just give her a call and tell her you want to talk to her.
[Martin is silent for a while, then lets out a short grunt]
Frasier: Was that a "leave me alone" grunt, or a "you've bested me again, son, with your unassailable logic" grunt?
[Martin is once again silent for a while, before letting out another short grunt]
Frasier: I thought so.

Quote from Martin

Martin: I called her, okay? Not that it's any of your business.
Frasier: So?
Martin: I left a message. I'm glad she wasn't there, I don't know what I'll say if she calls back.
Frasier: Well, you did the right thing, Dad. I am proud of you.
Martin: I don't know. The whole thing's making me nervous. You know, I know why she's not calling me back. She just doesn't know how to tell me she's dropping me for Richard.
Frasier: Well, who said anything about dropping you?
Martin: No one, apparently, or you would have overheard it.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Oh, good, Niles, you're back. How was the concert? Well, you're the one who wanted that cloud mural. I'm sure Pope Julius had to jump through similar hoops to get Michelangelo to paint his ceiling.

Quote from Roz

Larry: Here you go, Mr. Doyle.
Martin: Ah, thanks.
Roz: Come on, Larry, we're leaving.
Larry: It was nice meeting you, Mr. Doyle. And you can owe me on that coffee, it was $3.75 and I flipped a quarter in the tip jar.
Roz: I'll be home early, Dad.

Quote from Roz

Martin: Where's Ronee?
Roz: Oh, don't worry. "Sheila" showed Ronee the door.
Martin: What? What the hell did you do that for?
Roz: Hey, I have no control over what Sheila does.

Quote from Ronee

Ronee: [singing] Good morning, good morning, I'd like a bagel too, and schmear it, with cream cheese, thank you...

Quote from Ronee

Ronee: You know what you need, Grumpy? A nice hot breakfast. Marty, why don't you get Grumpy here some breakfast?
Frasier: I don't want any breakfast, and please stop calling me that.
Ronee: [singing to the tune of John Denver's "Thank God, I'm a Country Boy"] Got me some ham, and some cakes on the griddle, whoo! Good God, he's a grumpy boy!

Quote from Martin

Martin: Well, I'm going to go take a shower.
Frasier: [on his way out] Don't use all the hot water!
Martin: I know. Gotta leave enough for milady's tub.
Ronee: Oh, that's okay, I can take a shower too.
Martin: I wasn't talking about you.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: You know, I got two steps in my room and realized I forgot my- Ah, there it is.
Ronee: [singing to the tune of "There She Is, Miss America"] There it is, Frasier's coffee cup...
Frasier: You are a national treasure.

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