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Goodnight, Seattle

‘Goodnight, Seattle’

Season 11, Episode 23 - Aired May 13, 2004

After Charlotte leaves for Chicago, Frasier considers making a big career move. Meanwhile, Martin and Ronee get married, and Niles and Daphne welcome their child.

Quote from Simon

Michael: Hello, sis.
Daphne: Oh, my God, Michael. And Stephen.
Simon: We knew you'd be here when we went to your house and you wasn't there.
Stephen: So we took the liberty of leaving our things in your guest room.
Niles: How did you get in?
Michael: [mumbling] How did we... [laughing]


Quote from Simon

[As Charlotte works on the sauce, a man comes up behind her and hugs her]
Charlotte: You know, we could have some real fun if you got rid of some of those people.
Simon: Oh, just give us a minute then, love...
[Charlotte screams and runs out of the kitchen]
Charlotte: Who is that creep?
Simon: You know, I'm getting some very mixed signals.

Quote from Simon

Frasier: All right, that's it. I want you all out of here! And I do not mean a leisurely exit, I mean a break-neck, trampling-each-other, this-theatre's-on-fire stampede!
Simon: Yeah, all right, okay, I can take a hint, Frasier! Right. Look, that's a lovely woman that you've got for yourself. Congratulations.
Frasier: Yes, thank you.
Simon: Yeah, yeah. [looking at Charlotte over Frasier's shoulder] Give us a call, I'll be at Daphne's...
Frasier: Oh, get out of here!

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Oh, listen, I have a little something here for you.
Charlotte: Damn it. I knew you were going to do something sweet like that. I didn't get you anything.
Frasier: It's just a hair band I found in the shower drain.

Quote from Niles

Daphne: We thought you might like to join us for brunch.
Frasier: Darn! Niles and I just reserved a squash court.
Niles: Yes. And we're on thin ice with the appointments director as it is. He's already moved our lockers next to the flip-flop drop.

Quote from Simon

Michael: [unintelligible mumbling] ... this whole place... [mumbling]
Simon: That's right, Michael. Frasier has a very nice flat. But you was here last night.
Michael: Was I?

Quote from Simon

Daphne: I think I need to sit down a minute before we go. Can you believe this baby might be two weeks late?
Stephen: He's a Moon, all right. Every lad in our family was at least two weeks late. Once we get comfy, nothing budges us. Right, lads?
Simon & Michael: Right.

Quote from Frasier

Daphne: Could I get a glass of water, please?
Niles: Glass of water, yes.
Frasier: Right, right.
Michael: Oh, Fras-or? Be a good lad... [mumbling] nice big... [mumbling] Right, lads? Three!

Quote from Simon

Niles: I brought you a present, too. This plays soothing music for the baby. You put this speaker here just like that, and then if you want to hear a selection of, say - Oh, I don't know, Vivaldi - you turn this dial, and then...
Daphne: Oh! Goodness. He's never kicked like that before.
Stephen: We've got a little footballer in the family.
Simon: Finally we got something we can drink to!
Michael: Well, let's go to the pub!
Stephen & Simon: Yeah!
Simon, Stephen & Michael: [singing] We hate Nottingham Forest, we hate Liverpool too...
Simon: And Leeds!
Simon, Stephen & Michael: We hate Manchester City...

Quote from Martin

Martin: What happened?
Ronee: I don't know, you made the reservation.
Martin: For July 15th! [to the boys] Well, I love how she blames me! Why would I randomly pick a...? Oh, no.
Frasier: What?
Martin: May 15th. Eddie's birthday.

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