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Quote from Frasier in You Can't Tell a Crook by His Cover

Martin: Now, listen Roz, don't feel bad. I was a cop for thirty years and they could still fake me out once in a while. These guys are professionals, they know what to do.
Frasier: Especially if you're an easy mark like Roz.
Martin: Hey, the criminal mind is more complex than you think. They can fool you.
Frasier: Oh, by all means, Dad, lecture me on the complexities of the human mind. Are you forgetting that I graduated with honors from Harvard in Psycho-social Behaviorism?
Martin: I know, I was at your graduation. Impressive bunch. A car backfired and half of them wet their gowns.
Frasier: Well, it sounded louder on the dais!

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