Ray Quote #466

Quote from Ray in Traffic School

Robert: Nightmares, huh?
Ray: Yeah.
Robert: How long did you have them?
Ray: I just had one four days ago.
Robert: That is pretty messed up.
Ray: Yeah, it is. So the jumping-canoe guy is.
Robert: Dad.
Ray: Oh, my God.


 ‘Traffic School’ Quotes

Quote from Frank

Debra: No, I think we were all a little bit insensitive.
Ray: Robert's got no sense of humor about himself.
Frank: That's right. You've got to be able to laugh at yourself. Look at me, I laugh at your mother all the time.
Marie: I'm not you, Frank.
Frank: I know. But I'm married to you, so the joke's on me.

Quote from Robert

Robert: All right. Now let's move on, Timmy. Don't you have a question for Ma? "Sure. Marie, is it? Hi, Marie. Okay. Now, when you get into the car what are you supposed to do before you begin driving?"
Marie: Oh, I know that. You buckle your seat belt.
Robert: "Good."
Marie: And you check your mirrors.
Robert: "Correct."
Marie: You look to the left, the right, and behind you.
Robert: "Very good. Anything else?"
Marie: No, I think that's it.
Robert: "Oh, that's it. She thinks that's it." Isn't that everything, Timmy? "Oh, yeah, sure, that's everything. But how about making sure your first-born child is in the car before you pull out of a gas station in New Mexico?"
Ray: Well, that's awfully specific. ls that in the binder?
Marie: Robbie, that was 30 years ago.
Robert: I don't have a problem with it. [camera pans to Timmy]
Debra: Uh-oh.

Quote from Robert

Robert: "Yeah, remember that? Big road trip, fun family vacation. Driving out to see the Grand Canyon. Frank stops to get some gas and you all drive off while Robert's still in the men's room."
Frank: How do you know? You weren't there!
Ray: Oh, we got a real battle of wits going on here.
Marie: We thought you were sleeping in the back. It was only an hour driving and then we noticed. We turned right around.
Robert: "Oh, only two hours. Excellent mothering."
Frank: I remember that. We missed the tribal dances. You would've liked that, Ray. I hear those ladies don't wear very much.
Robert: "Ah, Poor Raymond missed the tribal dances. Raymond, Raymond, Raymond. Meanwhile, back at the rest stop a couple of truckers want to braid Robert's hair."
Marie: We happen to be very good parents, Timmy.
Robert: "Oh, yeah, great family, right? As long as everybody's eating, everybody's happy, right, Mama? Just ask your husband, Burp 'n' Slurp."