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Party Dress

‘Party Dress’

Season 8, Episode 15 - Aired February 16, 2004

After Ally is invited to Molly's birthday party, Ray is unhappy that Peggy (Amy Aquino) expects them to buy an expensive dress for the event.

Quote from Marie

Amy: Oh! I know this dress shop. You're not gonna walk out of there for less than $100.
Ray: Ugh, a hundred dollars. Stupid Peggy.
Marie: You know, Debra, you could save yourself a lot of money if you made Ally a dress. Oh, that's right. Well, I could make her the dress and tell her that you helped.


Quote from Ray

Ally: Mom, we've got to get to the mall. I just talked to Julie. She's buying her dress today. She wants us to meet her there. So let's go.
Debra: Honey, I have a PTA meeting, so your father can take you.
Ray: What, me? Whoa! Wait a minute. I don't even-
Debra: You wanna go to the PTA?
Ally: Come on, Dad. Please, please, please, please? I wanna get there before all the good colors are gone. I'll be in the car. [exits]
Debra: Your daughter is waiting.
Robert: Guy never had a chance.
Frank: While you're there, why don't you pick up a dress for yourself?

Quote from Ray

Ally: Dad, I don't think you can bring food in here.
Ray: Hey, I paid four bucks for this cookie. I'm not givin' it up.
Clerk: I'm sorry.
Ray: Hmm?
Clerk: You can have it back when you leave.
Ray: Okay. I know how much I ate.

Quote from Ray

Clerk: Now, may I help you?
Ray: Uh yeah, um, I need to get a dress for my daughter here. It's for the Peggy Ardolino party. I was supposed to mention her name.
Clerk: Just follow me. Now, here we are. These are the dresses for the Ardolino party.
Ally: Wow, Daddy, look at them!
Ray: Yeah.
Ally: They're beautiful!
Ray: Yeah. Yeah, you can wear them to a formal party or just knockin' around the house.

Quote from Ray

Ally: Hey, can I try on the dress now, Daddy?
Ray: Come on, Ally. We're out of here.
Ally: Why? Dad, what about the dress?
Ray: We're not gonna buy it. Go.
Ally: But Dad!
Ray: Come on! Now!
Ally: Why?
Ray: Because I said so.
Ally: But why?
Ray: Because I am the grownup, and that's how it is! Now, where is my cookie! We're out of here! Come on, Ally!

Quote from Ray

Debra: Ray, what's going on?
Ray: Guess how much the dress cost. Go ahead.
Debra: I don't know, what? Like $100?
Ray: [mimics buzzer] Guess again.
Debra: Just tell me, Ray.
Marie: $120.
Ray: [buzzer sounds]
Debra: Ray, knock it off.
Frank: $147.99.
Ray: Wrong. $250!
Frank: Yes! I was closest.
Debra: Wow! Two hundred and... Why so much?
Ray: I don't know. Maybe it's made of unicorn fur.

Quote from Ray

Debra: I'd say that the dress is too expensive, but isn't it more important that Ally is not the only girl at the party not wearing the dress?
Amy: Oh, yeah. That would be humiliating.
Robert: I agree with my wife. Let's go. Goodbye.
Ray: Hold it! It costs $250! [Amy and Robert's mouths drop as they around]
Amy: For a dress that will only be worn once?
Ray: Yeah hmm-hmm-hah.
Amy: That's awfully expensive.
Ray: Yeah well, tell it to Debra Von Moneybags.
Robert: You know, I never like to agree with a moron, but I've got to go with Raymond on this one.

Quote from Frank

Frank: Hey, Deb, I'll back you if you back my TV-in-the-toilet idea.
Debra: It's okay, Frank.

Quote from Ray

Ray: Ally? Hey It's 6:30. Shouldn't you be getting ready for the party?
Ally: I'm not going.
Ray: Look, I know you've been saying all week that you're not going, but Molly is your best friend, and you told her that you would be there.
Ally: Well, I'm not going.
Ray: Because of the dress? [off Ally's look] Okay. All right. Stupid question. Come on, look, aren't all your friends going to be there, huh? And that guy you've had a crush on for like forever Charlie!
Ally: Dave.
Ray: Dave, right. Dave! Come on, don't you wanna be with your friends and dance with Dave? On fast songs only?
Ally: Stop it, Dad!

Quote from Ray

Ally: Listen, I know you were right about the dress being too expensive.
Ray: Really? Wow! Well, good. See? I'm glad you feel that way.
Ally: Well, yeah. I mean, I think the whole fancy-party idea is kind of dumb. So does Molly, but her mom's just so...
Ray: Horrible, yeah.
Ally: I was gonna say excited.
Ray: Oh. Yeah. I meant horribly excited.

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