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Not So Fast

‘Not So Fast’

Season 9, Episode 2 - Aired September 27, 2004

As Robert and Amy settle into their new house, the manager at Frank and Marie's retirement community wants to speak to Ray.

Quote from Debra

Marie: It's just like you like, Raymond egg salad with extra egg.
Ray: All right, thanks, Ma. Yummy.
Marie: Ooh, I had a fantastic idea. What if you and I have some one-on-one time? Next week, come by yourself and stay for a few days.
Ray: Hmm. No, I mean...
Debra: You know what, Marie? That's a great idea. I mean, I'm gonna miss Ray, but I'll just have to suck it up.


Quote from Debra

Amy: Hi, guys. You're back early.
Debra: We have to talk.
Amy: About what?
Robert: Hi.
Marie: What did you do to the house?
Ray: Look who's here.
Amy: Marie, Frank. Hi. We weren't expecting you to visit so soon. Why didn't you tell us you were coming?
Debra: We really have to talk.

Quote from Marie

Debra: Hi. It seems that Frank and Marie were asked to leave their retirement community because... Well, you can imagine.
Ray: They were also asked to not live in any neighboring communities.
Robert: I don't understand. I mean, I don't want to understand. [spills red wine] Oh, crap!
Amy: Robert, the new couch!
Robert: I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Marie: That's why you have plastic on a sofa.

Quote from Debra

Robert: Raymond, how could you let this happen?
Ray: What are you talking about? I didn't let it happen.
Debra: But you just sat there. I think deep down he wanted them to be kicked out because Ray doesn't like to drive in traffic. Well, how do you like driving in this? Better get used to this 'cause it's what you're gonna be driving in, you selfish, selfish...

Quote from Robert

Robert: I'll fight you both.
Amy: Robert!
Robert: I don't care anymore! I'll go to prison. Put her on your shoulders, Raymond!
Ray: I don't need her.
Robert: How about I hit you with your own wife?

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