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Debra's Workout

‘Debra's Workout’

Season 4, Episode 8 - Aired November 15, 1999

Debra starts taking an aerobics class.

Quote from Debra

Ray: I guess I'm not aerobically gifted.
Debra: That's okay, a lot of people break the boombox on their first time out.


Quote from Ray

Debra: Um, you know, I'm just not really in the mood right now.
Ray: Why, 'cause you missed the class?
Debra: Missed the class? No, I'm just, you know, not in the mood.
Ray: Why?
D;What, are you seven? How many times are you gonna ask me why?
Ray: Just until you really tell me why.
Debra: Okay, because the kids are gonna be home any minute, I have a sink full of dishes and I just- Why do I have to explain it? I'm just not in the mood!
Ray: [holds up flyer of aerobics instructor] How about now? Yeah.
Debra: Huh? What?
Ray: Are you in the mood now, huh? Huh? Kick, one two, kick, one two. Kick, one two. I'm a maniac, maniac.
Debra: Ah, now I'm in the mood.

Quote from Ray

Ray: I know, I know all about it.
Debra: All about what?
Ray: Every time you go to the class you're getting all turned on by Hunky Joe, right? And you come home to me to put out the fire.
Debra: Are you out of your mind?
Ray: "Looking good, Debra. Looking good."
Debra: What, so you're getting all paranoid because we had a little extra sex last week?
Ray: Three times! Three times, right? You don't think that's out of the ordinary? I'm surprised it wasn't on the news.
Debra: So you think I'm cheating on you with you?
Ray: Put it however you want, all right. You know what you're doing.
Debra: You what? I'm tired. Could you just call yourself an idiot?

Quote from Ray

Ray: Look, that isn't the same, all right? You can't compare that.
Debra: Why is that?
Ray: Because none of those things are real, okay? They're all make-believe, they're games! This guy is real! He's flesh and blood and sweat and muscles, okay? And I don't like it! I don't like it! [kicks trash can]

Quote from Debra

Debra: Ray, did it ever occur to you that taking aerobics classes makes me feel better about myself?
Ray: Yeah, so if I feel better about myself, I feel better about a lot of other things too.
Ray: Yeah, but that guy-
Debra: That guy teaches class, that's all.
Ray: That's all?
Debra: That's it. You know, I've seen good-looking men before.
Ray: Where?
Debra: All you ever do is complain about how little sex we have, and last week we had more than enough and all it did was make you suspicious.

Quote from Ray

Ray: I don't know. I'm an idiot, I guess.
Debra: My idiot.
Ray: Yeah. [Debra kisses Ray] There's that kiss again.
Debra: How about that?
Ray: The kids are gonna be home in 15 minutes.
Debra: Oh, good, then we'll have time for a nap too.
Ray: But what about the garbage?
Debra: Just leave it.
Ray: Oh, you're dirty!

Quote from Ray

Ray: Hey.
Debra: Hey. You're here again?
Ray: Yeah. I just I wanted to bring Hunky Joe a new boombox.
Debra: He's not teaching class today.
Ray: What?
Female Instructor: Hi, everybody!
All: Hey!
Female Instructor: Everybody ready to move? Here we go. Five, six, seven, eight.
Ray: [joins in] You know, I'm feeling better about myself.

Quote from Frank

Frank: Robert told me about you and happy hips over there.
Ray: Oh, great! That's just great, Robert.
Frank: Sounds like somebody's trying to earn some jewelry. [Frank and Robert laugh]

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