Robert: Listen, Stefania, I'll always cherish the moments we had together, but I just didn't want you to move here for the wrong reasons. Hey, come on.
Stefania: [Italian:] "Don't touch me! I can't believe I came to America for you. You couldn't even call me yourself. You had to have your mother beg me to come!"
Robert: No, no, no, no, no, that was her idea. She's crazy.
Stefania: [Italian:] "What are you, her puppet? She pulls the strings and you dance like Pinocchio?"
Robert: No, no, no, no, Pinocchio this time. You see, she wanted me to marry you, but I said I couldn't because you're annoying.
Stefania: Annoying? What does this mean, annoying?
Robert: I don't know.
Stefania: Liar. I am sick to look to you!
Robert: Well, listen, we can still be friends. You see, in America, you don't break up. You stay friends. That's what you do.
Stefania: Not in Italy.
Robert: Annoying. Listen, I did the right thing. Morally, I did the right thing. [Stefania throws Robert's uniform back to him] There better be a heaven.