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Quote from Robert in Say Uncle

Robert: I just have one question. Who do we have a photo of at his children's Christmas pageant wearing headphones, huh? I think that's the same person who tried to get the postman to babysit one day. [Robert & Debra laugh]
Ray: What are you are you on his side now?
Debra: Yes.
Ray: What did he do he started it.
Debra: No, he just wanted to take the kids to the zoo.
Ray: Well, maybe he should get his own life.
Debra: No, don't listen to him, Robert. Ray, apologize.
Robert: It's quite all right, Debra. As it happens, I do have my own life. A very full one. So for the sake of the children, I'll just slip out the front door and go enjoy it. I will also borrow your TV Guide.

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