Adult Chris Quote #446
Quote from Adult Chris in Everybody Hates James
James: You wearing a wire?
Chris: No!
Adult Chris: [v.o.] No one ever waits for the answer before ripping your shirt open.
Everybody Hates Chris Quotes
‘Everybody Hates James’ Quotes
Quote from Rochelle
Rochelle: Okay, shh! Last time. [tapes] Hello. No one is available to take this call right now. Please leave a message at the sound of the beep. [stops tape] See? Is that good for everybody?
Chris: Yeah, that was good.
Drew: Yeah.
Tonya: You sound like a White woman.
Rochelle: Get out of here before I smack the naps out your hair.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Now she sounds like a Black woman.
Quote from Rochelle
Rochelle: What's in the bag?
Julius: I'm throwing out your makeup.
Rochelle: You're doing what?!
Julius: Oprah said you don't have to paint your face for me. I love you just the way you are.
Rochelle: Oprah doesn't know what I look like without my makeup!
Adult Chris: [v.o.] And neither does my father.
Rochelle: Julius, baby, do you know what's in this bag? Rochelle is in this bag! See, here's Rochelle's lips, here's her eyelashes, her complexion, her cheeks, her fingernails! Julius, I don't know what Oprah's saying, but she's giving out very dangerous information. Baby, there are certain things that men just don't need to know about women.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Like everything.
Julius: I'm sorry. I just wanted to let you know you're good enough for me. Even if your face is inside this bag.
Rochelle: Thank you. I appreciate that. Baby, you really want to do something for me?
Julius: Anything.
Rochelle: Stop watching Oprah.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] That's how Oprah's audience turned from all men to all women.
Quote from Ms. Morello
Ms. Morello: Just because your work on the field is done doesn't mean your job with the team is over. It's time to start thinking about what we do in the field of life. So I've signed the team up for community service.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] That's what they used to call slavery.
Ms. Morello: I myself have always been a big supporter of big brothers.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] She's not talking about the organization.
[flashback to Ms. Morello sitting at a bar when a Black man walks up:]
Ms. Morello: My... you're a big brother. Let's dance.